
Discover our practical advice

Liette Monat, MBA, Ph.D.

Quickly convert your contacts into business relationships

Make distinctive gestures

Liette Monat, MBA, Ph.D.

The main obstacle to the sale of professional services

Speaking "TOO EARLY" and "TOO MUCH" about yourself

Liette Monat, MBA, Ph.D.

Manage your "difficult" clients

You find a client "difficult" when their attitude or the way they interact affects you personally.

Liette Monat, MBA, Ph.D.

Sell ​​your fees - don't cut them!

Be open about the financial side with your targets.


Go Beyond the Red!/ Ne vous arrêtez plus au Rouge!

In an increasingly competitive market, competence is no longer enough. To stand out, you have to assert a lot more than intellectual or technical knowledge. How to seduce and gain the trust of your superiors, your colleagues or your clients, both internal and external? This is what you will learn from the book by Liette Monat, specialist in business strategies.

To get it

In summary

The three components of your impact :

RED : Your knowledge, competence and expertise are the foundation of your professional credibility: your internal and external clients, colleagues and superiors will trust you.

JAUNE : Your relational and strategic skills are the essence of your meaningful business relationships: they love working with you.

VERT : Your proactive involvement is your contribution to their business success: you become their indispensable business partner.

The RED is key to your success; but it is no longer sufficient. This book tells you "How to" and "How to say" to excel in various business situations by using the YELLOW and GREEN registers.

With Go Beyond the Red!, convey your ideas with more impact, sell your professional solutions successfully, obtain optimal collaboration on all your projects, resolve delicate situations in your business relationships and conclude satisfactory agreements.